It's been way too long since the last post. I get busy, distracted and whoosh there goes a month, a goal, a hope. So, I've been getting some things back in order.
A little order includes time for prayer and meditation, exercise, some attention to diet, a little less work, and a little more reflection and play. In the midst of this I've been digesting two things:
- Karen Armstrong's book The Case for God, which is an engaging history about philosophy, theology, religion and science as they dance together; the other is
- Tom Miller's CD training (published by CareerTrack) Self Discipline and Emotional Control, a systematic and fun look at Albert Ellis' basic Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
How's it going? Thanks for asking, it's going pretty well. Not perfect, but then that wouldn't be a reasonable expectation, now, would it. The key for me is having people to help me. I have a spiritual direction relationship, my wife, other friends, and even work goals that are supporters in getting things back in order.
It's amazing how easily I wander from he good stuff. It's a gift that I have help finding my way back.