I have to confess my first reaction to the scandal was first anger that anyone would hurt kids and then something hard to put my finger on. It was a puzzlement that Penn State is held so high. It was a frustration that a school or a football team could be so important to some that feel almost idolotrous to me. But, that's not where I ended.
Reflecting on the reality and praying for those involved, brought me to a new place...a better place, I think. I began to ponder all the things that I value and that I would grieve for if my trust in them were broken. ( I wish I could say the list was short but it wasn't.) I depend on many things from my car to people. Some of those things, many really, have grown to hold too high a priority in my life for the lasting joy, results, or power that they can deliver. Too high a place to match what I want to believe, what I say I believe.
That point of growing, confession and reality admitted, there are all kinds of levels of trust. Each one with a place in our lives. Each one, when broken, brings a bit of grieving and sadness. Each one gives me the opportunity to see the gifts in that relationship and to see the things that I hold out of proportion, that I idolized, even if only a little bit. Each one gives me the opportunity to Live Love more fully, making life adjustments as I go.
So through the gifts of time and grace, my prayers and heart goes out to those grieving about Penn State, about losses, about the things that capture attention. My prayer is that God would heal the hurts and hold more of your attention. In that posture nothing can conquer us, only detour us a bit.
What has your attention? How may I pray for you?