“Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you
see the Day approaching.” Heb. 10:23-25
“I went mountain climbing the other day and met up with some energetic students. When I thought I could not possibly go on, they shouted words of encouragement: “You can do it!” “You are one strong lady!” “This is nothing. You’ve made it this far; the worst is over.” At times, they burst
into song to boost morale. Together, we made it all the way.” (June 25, 2014 Upper Room)
You and I need encouragement! It’s normal; it’s a God-given need! Which means we need to be offering encouragement. It helps get’s the good and God things done while caring for people!
I am so proud to be the pastor of First Church. I watch as the Mission team includes new people and says
“way to go.” I watch K-groups press on caring for one another and say “well done.” I see our leaders add hours and prayer to their schedules in preparation for necessary renewal of people and place and say “thank you.” I see so much and want you to know.
Now is the season to encourage people. It’s a time when people may have different schedules and feel a little disconnected. It’s a time when new families move into neighborhoods and are looking for a loving and encouraging church. It’s a time when youth are considering confirmation and few will do that on their own. It’s a time of joys & hurts…of life. Don’t miss an opportunity to encourage.
Within your reach are opportunities to notice and encourage with a word, with a note, with your presence, with your invitation… to name a few ways.
In a time that challenges the Church, Love and encouragement make a huge difference. Perhaps you will commit to encourage 1 extra person each day this summer.
Thanks so much for your faith, your servanthood, and for your presence.