Through the momentary panic, the priority searching and the frustrating reconfiguration, I was reading and telling and the story about Jesus' suffering as a part of the bigger picture. The bigger picture being God's willingness to take on the human condition, live, struggle and die so that I might actually understand how much God loves me. Now there's an interesting juxtaposition!
I had to stop and think about what's important. I had to refocus priorities. I had to reallocate resources. All of this to get life back together. Then I noticed... Jesus chose what was important, focused on priorities and reallocated all his strength, just to say, "I love you."
My phone list and my web favorites aren't the most important thing to me. The most important thing is the relationships and friendship web they represent to me. My tech-tastrophy became a learning journey about God's love. The invitation of the moment was as much, if not more, to value the relationships and people God values, as it was, to recover the data that goes with those relationships.
How about you? Is love in your smartphone? Is care a part of your data base? Are love and caring held captive or set free by the tools you use?
My prayer for myself and you is that love stays more important than all the other stuff of life. And while I'm working on that, I'm going to keep on following the Master of Love, and learn. And you? What will you do?
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