10Q10Q -- faith, life, rethinking church, following Jesus...stuff

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Saturday, December 10, 2011


    Rats have compassion!  Who knew?  This cool fact is brought to you by the  University of Chicago who did a Study.  Now rats are not my typical Christmas prep topic.  I might be more apt to celebrate a letter like Rev. Jim Luck who writes in the voice of Jesus at Christmas time.  Either way I'm talking about living in a way that makes a difference,  a way of love.
    Love, now that makes Christmas.  At my church we're challenging one another to give as much money to get rid of Malaria and end hunger in our area, as we spend on our friends and family.  Now that's love in action.
  So will your Christmas outdistance the rats and the rat-race of gift-giving, self-focused, consumerism?  Will it truly reflect the reason Christmas began, following the Master of Love?  Why not share some ways you are sharing Christmas love this year?

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