I'm doing the boring work of airport waiting and I am truly so excited to be here. Why? I'm going to see my new granddaughter, Miah May. Connections are like that. They all have a cost. Some costs I pay joyfully. Some I pay functionally, some reluctantly, and some costs are too high for the connection expected.
I been reading the Old Testament book of Leviticus and all those rules about sacrifice. Why? I want to be connected to my heritage and my God. I'm ready, once in a while, to pay the cost of reading with explanations from scholars and colleagues in hand, so that I can understand, learn, grow and challenge my life's thinking.
I'm committed to following Jesus, including loving everyone. I run into that most with my EGR (Extra Grace Required) relationships. I pay the cost of leaning into those relationships precisely because it's worth the cost of learning to live a life that's proven to make a difference in world-changing ways.
Right now, I'm joyfully connecting, even if it means waiting in airports, rushing to get work done, and spending some money, it's all worth it for the connection. Really, that's why I choose to pay the cost of connection most of the time... I experience a better life, a joy, an effectiveness... it's worth it.
There are days I fail to pay the cost and have to ask for help. That's OK too because it usually drives me back to considering the cost of connection, my values, and my choices. So how about you? What relationships are worth the price of connection for you? Which ones do you choose? I'd love to hear about your decisions and choices and stories in the comment section.
Off to see Miah May and her family. Peace on the Journey. Dave
God loves you and me so much God paid the cost of connection. Check it out.
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